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Test cancel from indexer progress callback This adds tests that try canceling an indexer operation from within the progress callback. After writing the tests, I wanted to run this under valgrind and had a number of errors in that situation because mmap wasn't working. I added a CMake option to force emulation of mmap and consolidated the Amiga-specific code into that new place (so we don't actually need separate Amiga code now, just have to turn on -DNO_MMAP). Additionally, I made the indexer code propagate error codes more reliably than it used to.
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* Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#include "map.h"
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef NO_MMAP
static DWORD get_page_size(void)
static DWORD page_size;
if (!page_size) {
page_size = sys.dwAllocationGranularity;
return page_size;
int p_mmap(git_map *out, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, git_off_t offset)
HANDLE fh = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
DWORD page_size = get_page_size();
DWORD fmap_prot = 0;
DWORD view_prot = 0;
DWORD off_low = 0;
DWORD off_hi = 0;
git_off_t page_start;
git_off_t page_offset;
GIT_MMAP_VALIDATE(out, len, prot, flags);
out->data = NULL;
out->len = 0;
out->fmh = NULL;
errno = EBADF;
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "Failed to mmap. Invalid handle value");
return -1;
if (prot & GIT_PROT_WRITE)
fmap_prot |= PAGE_READWRITE;
else if (prot & GIT_PROT_READ)
fmap_prot |= PAGE_READONLY;
if (prot & GIT_PROT_WRITE)
view_prot |= FILE_MAP_WRITE;
if (prot & GIT_PROT_READ)
view_prot |= FILE_MAP_READ;
page_start = (offset / page_size) * page_size;
page_offset = offset - page_start;
if (page_offset != 0) { /* offset must be multiple of page size */
errno = EINVAL;
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "Failed to mmap. Offset must be multiple of page size");
return -1;
out->fmh = CreateFileMapping(fh, NULL, fmap_prot, 0, 0, NULL);
if (!out->fmh || out->fmh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "Failed to mmap. Invalid handle value");
out->fmh = NULL;
return -1;
assert(sizeof(git_off_t) == 8);
off_low = (DWORD)(page_start);
off_hi = (DWORD)(page_start >> 32);
out->data = MapViewOfFile(out->fmh, view_prot, off_hi, off_low, len);
if (!out->data) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "Failed to mmap. No data written");
out->fmh = NULL;
return -1;
out->len = len;
return 0;
int p_munmap(git_map *map)
int error = 0;
assert(map != NULL);
if (map->data) {
if (!UnmapViewOfFile(map->data)) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "Failed to munmap. Could not unmap view of file");
error = -1;
map->data = NULL;
if (map->fmh) {
if (!CloseHandle(map->fmh)) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "Failed to munmap. Could not close handle");
error = -1;
map->fmh = NULL;
return error;