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Reset all static variables to NULL in clar's __cleanup Without this change, any failed assertion in the second (or a later) test inside a test suite has a chance of double deleting memory, resulting in a heap corruption. See #1096 for details. This leaves alone the test cases where we "just" use cl_git_sandbox_init() and cl_git_sandbox_cleanup(). These methods already take good care to not double delete a repository. Fixes #1096
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#include "clar_libgit2.h"
static git_repository *repo;
static git_tree *tree;
void test_object_tree_frompath__initialize(void)
git_oid id;
const char *tree_with_subtrees_oid = "ae90f12eea699729ed24555e40b9fd669da12a12";
cl_git_pass(git_repository_open(&repo, cl_fixture("testrepo.git")));
cl_assert(repo != NULL);
cl_git_pass(git_oid_fromstr(&id, tree_with_subtrees_oid));
cl_git_pass(git_tree_lookup(&tree, repo, &id));
cl_assert(tree != NULL);
void test_object_tree_frompath__cleanup(void)
tree = NULL;
repo = NULL;
static void assert_tree_from_path(
git_tree *root,
const char *path,
const char *expected_entry_name)
git_tree_entry *entry;
cl_git_pass(git_tree_entry_bypath(&entry, root, path));
cl_assert_equal_s(git_tree_entry_name(entry), expected_entry_name);
void test_object_tree_frompath__retrieve_tree_from_path_to_treeentry(void)
git_tree_entry *e;
assert_tree_from_path(tree, "README", "README");
assert_tree_from_path(tree, "ab/de/fgh/1.txt", "1.txt");
assert_tree_from_path(tree, "ab/de/fgh", "fgh");
assert_tree_from_path(tree, "ab/de/fgh/", "fgh");
assert_tree_from_path(tree, "ab/de", "de");
assert_tree_from_path(tree, "ab/", "ab");
assert_tree_from_path(tree, "ab/de/", "de");
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ENOTFOUND, git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "i-do-not-exist.txt"));
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ENOTFOUND, git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "README/"));
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ENOTFOUND, git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "ab/de/fgh/i-do-not-exist.txt"));
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ENOTFOUND, git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "nope/de/fgh/1.txt"));
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ENOTFOUND, git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "ab/me-neither/fgh/2.txt"));
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ENOTFOUND, git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "ab/me-neither/fgh/2.txt/"));
void test_object_tree_frompath__fail_when_processing_an_invalid_path(void)
git_tree_entry *e;
cl_must_fail(git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "/"));
cl_must_fail(git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "/ab"));
cl_must_fail(git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "/ab/de"));
cl_must_fail(git_tree_entry_bypath(&e, tree, "ab//de"));