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examples: create common lg2 executable Inside of our networking example code, we have a git2 executable that acts as an entry point to all the different network examples. As such, it is kind of the same like the normal git(1) executable in that it simply arbitrates to the respective subcommands. Let's extend this approach and merge all examples into a single standalone lg2 executable. Instead of building an executable for all the existing examples we have, we now bundle them all inside of the lg2 one and let them be callable via subcommands. In the process, we can get rid of duplicated library initialization, deinitialization and repository discovery code. Instead of having each subcommand handle these on its own, we simply do it inside of the single main function now.
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* libgit2 "rev-list" example - shows how to transform a rev-spec into a list
* of commit ids
* Written by the libgit2 contributors
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
* and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
* worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
* with this software. If not, see
* <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
#include "common.h"
static int revwalk_parseopts(git_repository *repo, git_revwalk *walk, int nopts, char **opts);
int lg2_rev_list(git_repository *repo, int argc, char **argv)
git_revwalk *walk;
git_oid oid;
char buf[GIT_OID_HEXSZ+1];
check_lg2(git_revwalk_new(&walk, repo), "allocating revwalk", NULL);
check_lg2(revwalk_parseopts(repo, walk, argc-1, argv+1), "parsing options", NULL);
while (!git_revwalk_next(&oid, walk)) {
git_oid_fmt(buf, &oid);
buf[GIT_OID_HEXSZ] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", buf);
return 0;
static int push_commit(git_revwalk *walk, const git_oid *oid, int hide)
if (hide)
return git_revwalk_hide(walk, oid);
return git_revwalk_push(walk, oid);
static int push_spec(git_repository *repo, git_revwalk *walk, const char *spec, int hide)
int error;
git_object *obj;
if ((error = git_revparse_single(&obj, repo, spec)) < 0)
return error;
error = push_commit(walk, git_object_id(obj), hide);
return error;
static int push_range(git_repository *repo, git_revwalk *walk, const char *range, int hide)
git_revspec revspec;
int error = 0;
if ((error = git_revparse(&revspec, repo, range)))
return error;
if (revspec.flags & GIT_REVPARSE_MERGE_BASE) {
/* TODO: support "<commit>...<commit>" */
if ((error = push_commit(walk, git_object_id(revspec.from), !hide)))
goto out;
error = push_commit(walk, git_object_id(revspec.to), hide);
return error;
static int revwalk_parseopts(git_repository *repo, git_revwalk *walk, int nopts, char **opts)
int hide, i, error;
unsigned int sorting = GIT_SORT_NONE;
hide = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nopts; i++) {
if (!strcmp(opts[i], "--topo-order")) {
git_revwalk_sorting(walk, sorting);
} else if (!strcmp(opts[i], "--date-order")) {
sorting = GIT_SORT_TIME | (sorting & GIT_SORT_REVERSE);
git_revwalk_sorting(walk, sorting);
} else if (!strcmp(opts[i], "--reverse")) {
sorting = (sorting & ~GIT_SORT_REVERSE)
| ((sorting & GIT_SORT_REVERSE) ? 0 : GIT_SORT_REVERSE);
git_revwalk_sorting(walk, sorting);
} else if (!strcmp(opts[i], "--not")) {
hide = !hide;
} else if (opts[i][0] == '^') {
if ((error = push_spec(repo, walk, opts[i] + 1, !hide)))
return error;
} else if (strstr(opts[i], "..")) {
if ((error = push_range(repo, walk, opts[i], hide)))
return error;
} else {
if ((error = push_spec(repo, walk, opts[i], hide)))
return error;
return 0;