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Add sorted cache data type This adds a convenient new data type for caching the contents of file in memory when each item in that file corresponds to a name and you need to both be able to lookup items by name and iterate over them in some sorted order. The new data type has locks in place to manage usage in a threaded environment.
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* Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_vector_h__
#define INCLUDE_vector_h__
#include "git2/common.h"
typedef int (*git_vector_cmp)(const void *, const void *);
typedef struct git_vector {
size_t _alloc_size;
git_vector_cmp _cmp;
void **contents;
size_t length;
int sorted;
} git_vector;
#define GIT_VECTOR_INIT {0}
int git_vector_init(git_vector *v, size_t initial_size, git_vector_cmp cmp);
void git_vector_free(git_vector *v);
void git_vector_clear(git_vector *v);
int git_vector_dup(git_vector *v, const git_vector *src, git_vector_cmp cmp);
void git_vector_swap(git_vector *a, git_vector *b);
void git_vector_sort(git_vector *v);
/** Linear search for matching entry using internal comparison function */
int git_vector_search(size_t *at_pos, const git_vector *v, const void *entry);
/** Linear search for matching entry using explicit comparison function */
int git_vector_search2(size_t *at_pos, const git_vector *v, git_vector_cmp cmp, const void *key);
* Binary search for matching entry using explicit comparison function that
* returns position where item would go if not found.
int git_vector_bsearch2(
size_t *at_pos, git_vector *v, git_vector_cmp cmp, const void *key);
/** Binary search for matching entry using internal comparison function */
GIT_INLINE(int) git_vector_bsearch(size_t *at_pos, git_vector *v, const void *key)
return git_vector_bsearch2(at_pos, v, v->_cmp, key);
GIT_INLINE(void *) git_vector_get(const git_vector *v, size_t position)
return (position < v->length) ? v->contents[position] : NULL;
#define GIT_VECTOR_GET(V,I) ((I) < (V)->length ? (V)->contents[(I)] : NULL)
GIT_INLINE(size_t) git_vector_length(const git_vector *v)
return v->length;
GIT_INLINE(void *) git_vector_last(const git_vector *v)
return (v->length > 0) ? git_vector_get(v, v->length - 1) : NULL;
#define git_vector_foreach(v, iter, elem) \
for ((iter) = 0; (iter) < (v)->length && ((elem) = (v)->contents[(iter)], 1); (iter)++ )
#define git_vector_rforeach(v, iter, elem) \
for ((iter) = (v)->length - 1; (iter) < SIZE_MAX && ((elem) = (v)->contents[(iter)], 1); (iter)-- )
int git_vector_insert(git_vector *v, void *element);
int git_vector_insert_sorted(git_vector *v, void *element,
int (*on_dup)(void **old, void *new));
int git_vector_remove(git_vector *v, size_t idx);
void git_vector_pop(git_vector *v);
void git_vector_uniq(git_vector *v);
void git_vector_remove_matching(
git_vector *v, int (*match)(const git_vector *v, size_t idx));
int git_vector_resize_to(git_vector *v, size_t new_length);
int git_vector_set(void **old, git_vector *v, size_t position, void *value);
/** Set the comparison function used for sorting the vector */
GIT_INLINE(void) git_vector_set_cmp(git_vector *v, git_vector_cmp cmp)
if (cmp != v->_cmp) {
v->_cmp = cmp;
v->sorted = 0;