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Update cl_git_pass to return more info This adds a failure reporting function that is called by cl_git_pass which captures the actual error return code and the error message if available in the failure report.
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#include "clar_libgit2.h"
#include "posix.h"
#include "path.h"
void cl_git_report_failure(
int error, const char *file, int line, const char *fncall)
char msg[4096];
const git_error *last = giterr_last();
p_snprintf(msg, 4096, "error %d - %s",
error, last ? last->message : "<no message>");
clar__assert(0, file, line, fncall, msg, 1);
void cl_git_mkfile(const char *filename, const char *content)
int fd;
fd = p_creat(filename, 0666);
cl_assert(fd != 0);
if (content) {
cl_must_pass(p_write(fd, content, strlen(content)));
} else {
cl_must_pass(p_write(fd, filename, strlen(filename)));
cl_must_pass(p_write(fd, "\n", 1));
void cl_git_write2file(
const char *filename, const char *new_content, int flags, unsigned int mode)
int fd = p_open(filename, flags, mode);
cl_assert(fd >= 0);
if (!new_content)
new_content = "\n";
cl_must_pass(p_write(fd, new_content, strlen(new_content)));
void cl_git_append2file(const char *filename, const char *new_content)
cl_git_write2file(filename, new_content, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644);
void cl_git_rewritefile(const char *filename, const char *new_content)
cl_git_write2file(filename, new_content, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
#ifdef GIT_WIN32
#include "win32/utf-conv.h"
char *cl_getenv(const char *name)
wchar_t name_utf16[GIT_WIN_PATH];
DWORD alloc_len;
wchar_t *value_utf16;
char *value_utf8;
git__utf8_to_16(name_utf16, GIT_WIN_PATH, name);
alloc_len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(name_utf16, NULL, 0);
if (alloc_len <= 0)
return NULL;
alloc_len = GIT_WIN_PATH;
cl_assert(value_utf16 = git__calloc(alloc_len, sizeof(wchar_t)));
GetEnvironmentVariableW(name_utf16, value_utf16, alloc_len);
cl_assert(value_utf8 = git__malloc(alloc_len));
git__utf16_to_8(value_utf8, value_utf16);
return value_utf8;
int cl_setenv(const char *name, const char *value)
wchar_t name_utf16[GIT_WIN_PATH];
wchar_t value_utf16[GIT_WIN_PATH];
git__utf8_to_16(name_utf16, GIT_WIN_PATH, name);
if (value != NULL)
git__utf8_to_16(value_utf16, GIT_WIN_PATH, value);
/* Windows XP returns 0 (failed) when passing NULL for lpValue when lpName
* does not exist in the environment block. This behavior seems to have changed
* in later versions. Don't fail when SetEnvironmentVariable fails, if we passed
* NULL for lpValue. */
cl_assert(SetEnvironmentVariableW(name_utf16, value ? value_utf16 : NULL) || !value);
return 0;
/* This function performs retries on calls to MoveFile in order
* to provide enhanced reliability in the face of antivirus
* agents that may be scanning the source (or in the case that
* the source is a directory, a child of the source). */
int cl_rename(const char *source, const char *dest)
wchar_t source_utf16[GIT_WIN_PATH];
wchar_t dest_utf16[GIT_WIN_PATH];
unsigned retries = 1;
git__utf8_to_16(source_utf16, GIT_WIN_PATH, source);
git__utf8_to_16(dest_utf16, GIT_WIN_PATH, dest);
while (!MoveFileW(source_utf16, dest_utf16)) {
/* Only retry if the error is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
* this may indicate that an antivirus agent is
* preventing the rename from source to target */
if (retries > 5 ||
return -1;
/* With 5 retries and a coefficient of 10ms, the maximum
* delay here is 550 ms */
Sleep(10 * retries * retries);
return 0;
#include <stdlib.h>
char *cl_getenv(const char *name)
return getenv(name);
int cl_setenv(const char *name, const char *value)
return (value == NULL) ? unsetenv(name) : setenv(name, value, 1);
int cl_rename(const char *source, const char *dest)
return p_rename(source, dest);
static const char *_cl_sandbox = NULL;
static git_repository *_cl_repo = NULL;
git_repository *cl_git_sandbox_init(const char *sandbox)
/* Copy the whole sandbox folder from our fixtures to our test sandbox
* area. After this it can be accessed with `./sandbox`
_cl_sandbox = sandbox;
/* If this is not a bare repo, then rename `sandbox/.gitted` to
* `sandbox/.git` which must be done since we cannot store a folder
* named `.git` inside the fixtures folder of our libgit2 repo.
if (p_access(".gitted", F_OK) == 0)
cl_git_pass(cl_rename(".gitted", ".git"));
/* If we have `gitattributes`, rename to `.gitattributes`. This may
* be necessary if we don't want the attributes to be applied in the
* libgit2 repo, but just during testing.
if (p_access("gitattributes", F_OK) == 0)
cl_git_pass(cl_rename("gitattributes", ".gitattributes"));
/* As with `gitattributes`, we may need `gitignore` just for testing. */
if (p_access("gitignore", F_OK) == 0)
cl_git_pass(cl_rename("gitignore", ".gitignore"));
/* Now open the sandbox repository and make it available for tests */
cl_git_pass(git_repository_open(&_cl_repo, sandbox));
return _cl_repo;
void cl_git_sandbox_cleanup(void)
if (_cl_repo) {
_cl_repo = NULL;
if (_cl_sandbox) {
_cl_sandbox = NULL;
bool cl_toggle_filemode(const char *filename)
struct stat st1, st2;
cl_must_pass(p_stat(filename, &st1));
cl_must_pass(p_chmod(filename, st1.st_mode ^ 0100));
cl_must_pass(p_stat(filename, &st2));
return (st1.st_mode != st2.st_mode);
bool cl_is_chmod_supported(void)
static int _is_supported = -1;
if (_is_supported < 0) {
cl_git_mkfile("filemode.t", "Test if filemode can be modified");
_is_supported = cl_toggle_filemode("filemode.t");
return _is_supported;
const char* cl_git_fixture_url(const char *fixturename)
return cl_git_path_url(cl_fixture(fixturename));
const char* cl_git_path_url(const char *path)
static char url[4096];
const char *in_buf;
git_buf path_buf = GIT_BUF_INIT;
git_buf url_buf = GIT_BUF_INIT;
cl_git_pass(git_path_prettify_dir(&path_buf, path, NULL));
cl_git_pass(git_buf_puts(&url_buf, "file://"));
#ifdef _MSC_VER
* A FILE uri matches the following format: file://[host]/path
* where "host" can be empty and "path" is an absolute path to the resource.
* In this test, no hostname is used, but we have to ensure the leading triple slashes:
* *nix: file:///usr/home/...
* Windows: file:///C:/Users/...
cl_git_pass(git_buf_putc(&url_buf, '/'));
in_buf = git_buf_cstr(&path_buf);
* A very hacky Url encoding that only takes care of escaping the spaces
while (*in_buf) {
if (*in_buf == ' ')
cl_git_pass(git_buf_puts(&url_buf, "%20"));
cl_git_pass(git_buf_putc(&url_buf, *in_buf));
strncpy(url, git_buf_cstr(&url_buf), 4096);
return url;
typedef struct {
const char *filename;
size_t filename_len;
} remove_data;
static int remove_placeholders_recurs(void *_data, git_buf *path)
remove_data *data = (remove_data *)_data;
size_t pathlen;
if (git_path_isdir(path->ptr) == true)
return git_path_direach(path, remove_placeholders_recurs, data);
pathlen = path->size;
if (pathlen < data->filename_len)
return 0;
/* if path ends in '/'+filename (or equals filename) */
if (!strcmp(data->filename, path->ptr + pathlen - data->filename_len) &&
(pathlen == data->filename_len ||
path->ptr[pathlen - data->filename_len - 1] == '/'))
return p_unlink(path->ptr);
return 0;
int cl_git_remove_placeholders(const char *directory_path, const char *filename)
int error;
remove_data data;
git_buf buffer = GIT_BUF_INIT;
if (git_path_isdir(directory_path) == false)
return -1;
if (git_buf_sets(&buffer, directory_path) < 0)
return -1;
data.filename = filename;
data.filename_len = strlen(filename);
error = remove_placeholders_recurs(&data, &buffer);
return error;