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tests: core: improve symlink test coverage Add two more tests to verify that we're not deleting symlink targets, but the symlinks themselves. Furthermore, convert several `cl_skip`s on Win32 to conditional skips depending on whether the clar sandbox supports symlinks or not. Windows is grown up now and may allow unprivileged symlinks if the machine has been configured accordingly.
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#include "clar_libgit2.h"
#include "filebuf.h"
/* make sure git_filebuf_open doesn't delete an existing lock */
void test_core_filebuf__0(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
int fd;
char test[] = "test", testlock[] = "test.lock";
fd = p_creat(testlock, 0744); /* -V536 */
cl_git_fail(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0, 0666));
/* make sure GIT_FILEBUF_APPEND works as expected */
void test_core_filebuf__1(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
char test[] = "test";
cl_git_mkfile(test, "libgit2 rocks\n");
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, GIT_FILEBUF_APPEND, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
cl_assert_equal_file("libgit2 rocks\nlibgit2 rocks\n", 0, test);
/* make sure git_filebuf_write writes large buffer correctly */
void test_core_filebuf__2(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
char test[] = "test";
unsigned char buf[4096 * 4]; /* 2 * WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE */
memset(buf, 0xfe, sizeof(buf));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_write(&file, buf, sizeof(buf)));
cl_assert_equal_file((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), test);
/* make sure git_filebuf_cleanup clears the buffer */
void test_core_filebuf__4(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
char test[] = "test";
cl_assert(file.buffer == NULL);
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0, 0666));
cl_assert(file.buffer != NULL);
cl_assert(file.buffer == NULL);
/* make sure git_filebuf_commit clears the buffer */
void test_core_filebuf__5(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
char test[] = "test";
cl_assert(file.buffer == NULL);
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0, 0666));
cl_assert(file.buffer != NULL);
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
cl_assert(file.buffer != NULL);
cl_assert(file.buffer == NULL);
/* make sure git_filebuf_commit takes umask into account */
void test_core_filebuf__umask(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
char test[] = "test";
struct stat statbuf;
mode_t mask, os_mask;
#ifdef GIT_WIN32
os_mask = 0600;
os_mask = 0777;
p_umask(mask = p_umask(0));
cl_assert(file.buffer == NULL);
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0, 0666));
cl_assert(file.buffer != NULL);
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
cl_assert(file.buffer != NULL);
cl_assert(file.buffer == NULL);
cl_must_pass(p_stat("test", &statbuf));
cl_assert_equal_i(statbuf.st_mode & os_mask, (0666 & ~mask) & os_mask);
void test_core_filebuf__rename_error(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
char *dir = "subdir", *test = "subdir/test", *test_lock = "subdir/test.lock";
int fd;
#ifndef GIT_WIN32
cl_git_pass(p_mkdir(dir, 0666));
cl_git_mkfile(test, "dummy content");
fd = p_open(test, O_RDONLY);
cl_assert(fd > 0);
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
cl_assert_equal_i(true, git_path_exists(test_lock));
cl_assert_equal_i(false, git_path_exists(test_lock));
void test_core_filebuf__symlink_follow(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
const char *dir = "linkdir", *source = "linkdir/link";
if (!git_path_supports_symlinks(clar_sandbox_path()))
cl_git_pass(p_mkdir(dir, 0777));
cl_git_pass(p_symlink("target", source));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, source, 0, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
cl_assert_equal_i(true, git_path_exists("linkdir/target.lock"));
cl_assert_equal_i(true, git_path_exists("linkdir/target"));
/* The second time around, the target file does exist */
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, source, 0, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
cl_assert_equal_i(true, git_path_exists("linkdir/target.lock"));
cl_assert_equal_i(true, git_path_exists("linkdir/target"));
cl_git_pass(git_futils_rmdir_r(dir, NULL, GIT_RMDIR_REMOVE_FILES));
void test_core_filebuf__symlink_follow_absolute_paths(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
git_buf source = GIT_BUF_INIT, target = GIT_BUF_INIT;
if (!git_path_supports_symlinks(clar_sandbox_path()))
cl_git_pass(git_buf_joinpath(&source, clar_sandbox_path(), "linkdir/link"));
cl_git_pass(git_buf_joinpath(&target, clar_sandbox_path(), "linkdir/target"));
cl_git_pass(p_mkdir("linkdir", 0777));
cl_git_pass(p_symlink(target.ptr, source.ptr));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, source.ptr, 0, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
cl_assert_equal_i(true, git_path_exists("linkdir/target.lock"));
cl_assert_equal_i(true, git_path_exists("linkdir/target"));
cl_git_pass(git_futils_rmdir_r("linkdir", NULL, GIT_RMDIR_REMOVE_FILES));
void test_core_filebuf__symlink_depth(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
const char *dir = "linkdir", *source = "linkdir/link";
if (!git_path_supports_symlinks(clar_sandbox_path()))
cl_git_pass(p_mkdir(dir, 0777));
/* Endless loop */
cl_git_pass(p_symlink("link", source));
cl_git_fail(git_filebuf_open(&file, source, 0, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_futils_rmdir_r(dir, NULL, GIT_RMDIR_REMOVE_FILES));
void test_core_filebuf__hidden_file(void)
#ifndef GIT_WIN32
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
char *dir = "hidden", *test = "hidden/test";
bool hidden;
cl_git_pass(p_mkdir(dir, 0666));
cl_git_mkfile(test, "dummy content");
cl_git_pass(git_win32__set_hidden(test, true));
cl_git_pass(git_win32__hidden(&hidden, test));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_open(&file, test, 0, 0666));
cl_git_pass(git_filebuf_printf(&file, "%s\n", "libgit2 rocks"));
void test_core_filebuf__detects_directory(void)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
cl_must_pass(p_mkdir("foo", 0777));
cl_git_fail_with(GIT_EDIRECTORY, git_filebuf_open(&file, "foo", 0, 0666));