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azure: docker: detect errors when building images The build step for our Docker images currently succeeds even if building the Docker image fails due to missing && chains in the build script. Fix this by adding them in.
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# These are the steps used in a container-based build in VSTS.
- ${{ if eq(parameters.qemu, 'true') }}:
- script: docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset
displayName: 'Register Docker QEMU'
- task: cache@2
displayName: Cache Docker layers
key: docker
path: /tmp/dockercache
- script: |
if [ -f /tmp/dockercache/${{parameters.docker.image}}.tar ]; then docker load < /tmp/dockercache/${{parameters.docker.image}}.tar; fi
displayName: 'Load Docker cache'
- script: |
cd $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/azure-pipelines/docker &&
docker build -t libgit2/${{parameters.docker.image}} --build-arg BASE=${{parameters.docker.base}} -f ${{parameters.docker.image}} . &&
if [ ! -d /tmp/dockercache ]; then mkdir /tmp/dockercache; fi &&
docker save libgit2/${{parameters.docker.image}} $(docker history -q libgit2/${{parameters.docker.image}} | grep -v '<missing>') > /tmp/dockercache/${{parameters.docker.image}}.tar
displayName: 'Build Docker image'
- task: docker@0
displayName: Build
action: 'Run an image'
imageName: libgit2/${{ parameters.docker.image }}
volumes: |
envVars: ${{ parameters.environmentVariables }}
workDir: '/home/libgit2/build'
containerCommand: '/home/libgit2/source/azure-pipelines/build.sh'
detached: false
- task: docker@0
displayName: Test
action: 'Run an image'
imageName: libgit2/${{ parameters.docker.image }}
volumes: |
envVars: ${{ parameters.environmentVariables }}
workDir: '/home/libgit2/build'
containerCommand: '/home/libgit2/source/azure-pipelines/test.sh'
detached: false
- task: publishtestresults@2
displayName: Publish Test Results
condition: succeededOrFailed()
testResultsFiles: 'results_*.xml'
searchFolder: '$(Build.BinariesDirectory)'
mergeTestResults: true