Hash :
Author :
Date :
Introduce CI with GitHub Actions Add CI using GitHub Actions and GitHub Packages: * This moves our Linux build containers into GitHub Packages; we will identify the most recent commit that updated the docker descriptions, and then look for a docker image in libgit2's GitHub Packages registry for a container with the tag corresponding to that description. If there is not one, we will build the container and then push it to GitHub Packages. * We no longer need to manage authentication with our own credentials or PAT tokens. GitHub Actions provides a GITHUB_TOKEN that can publish artifacts, packages and commits to our repository within a workflow run. * We will use a matrix to build our various CI steps. This allows us to keep configuration in a single place without multiple YAML files.
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set -e
if [ "${DOCKERFILE_PATH}" = "" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 dockerfile"
exit 1
if [ "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}" = "" ]; then
echo "DOCKER_REGISTRY environment variable is unset."
echo "Not running inside GitHub Actions or misconfigured?"
exit 1
echo "::set-env name=docker-container::${DOCKER_CONTAINER}"
echo "::set-env name=docker-registry-container::${DOCKER_REGISTRY_CONTAINER}"
# Identify the last git commit that touched the Dockerfiles
# Use this as a hash to identify the resulting docker containers
DOCKER_SHA=$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h" -- "${DOCKERFILE_PATH}")
echo "::set-env name=docker-sha::${DOCKER_SHA}"
echo "::set-env name=docker-registry-container-sha::${DOCKER_REGISTRY_CONTAINER_SHA}"
echo "::set-env name=docker-registry-container-latest::${DOCKER_REGISTRY_CONTAINER}:latest"
docker login https://${DOCKER_REGISTRY} -u ${GITHUB_ACTOR} -p ${GITHUB_TOKEN} || exists="false"
if [ "${exists}" != "false" ]; then
docker pull ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_CONTAINER_SHA} || exists="false"
if [ "${exists}" = "true" ]; then
echo "::set-env name=docker-container-exists::true"
echo "::set-env name=docker-container-exists::false"