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odb: Fix loading ODB alternates Fixed an issue with the `strtokz implementation and added support for comments and relative paths in the alternates file.
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#ifndef INCLUDE_util_h__
#define INCLUDE_util_h__
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
#define bitsizeof(x) (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(x))
#define MSB(x, bits) ((x) & (~0ULL << (bitsizeof(x) - (bits))))
* Custom memory allocation wrappers
* that set error code and error message
* on allocation failure
GIT_INLINE(void *) git__malloc(size_t len)
void *ptr = malloc(len);
if (!ptr)
git__throw(GIT_ENOMEM, "Out of memory. Failed to allocate %d bytes.", (int)len);
return ptr;
GIT_INLINE(void *) git__calloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize)
void *ptr = calloc(nelem, elsize);
if (!ptr)
git__throw(GIT_ENOMEM, "Out of memory. Failed to allocate %d bytes.", (int)elsize);
return ptr;
GIT_INLINE(char *) git__strdup(const char *str)
char *ptr = strdup(str);
if (!ptr)
git__throw(GIT_ENOMEM, "Out of memory. Failed to duplicate string");
return ptr;
GIT_INLINE(char *) git__strndup(const char *str, size_t n)
size_t length;
char *ptr;
length = strlen(str);
if (n < length)
length = n;
ptr = malloc(length + 1);
if (!ptr)
git__throw(GIT_ENOMEM, "Out of memory. Failed to duplicate string");
memcpy(ptr, str, length);
ptr[length] = 0;
return ptr;
GIT_INLINE(void *) git__realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
void *new_ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
if (!new_ptr)
git__throw(GIT_ENOMEM, "Out of memory. Failed to allocate %d bytes.", (int)size);
return new_ptr;
extern int git__fmt(char *, size_t, const char *, ...)
extern int git__prefixcmp(const char *str, const char *prefix);
extern int git__suffixcmp(const char *str, const char *suffix);
extern int git__strtol32(long *n, const char *buff, const char **end_buf, int base);
* The dirname() function shall take a pointer to a character string
* that contains a pathname, and return a pointer to a string that is a
* pathname of the parent directory of that file. Trailing '/' characters
* in the path are not counted as part of the path.
* If path does not contain a '/', then dirname() shall return a pointer to
* the string ".". If path is a null pointer or points to an empty string,
* dirname() shall return a pointer to the string "." .
* The `git__dirname` implementation is thread safe. The returned
* string must be manually free'd.
* The `git__dirname_r` implementation expects a string allocated
* by the user with big enough size.
extern char *git__dirname(const char *path);
extern int git__dirname_r(char *buffer, size_t bufflen, const char *path);
* This function returns the basename of the file, which is the last
* part of its full name given by fname, with the drive letter and
* leading directories stripped off. For example, the basename of
* c:/foo/bar/file.ext is file.ext, and the basename of a:foo is foo.
* Trailing slashes and backslashes are significant: the basename of
* c:/foo/bar/ is an empty string after the rightmost slash.
* The `git__basename` implementation is thread safe. The returned
* string must be manually free'd.
* The `git__basename_r` implementation expects a string allocated
* by the user with big enough size.
extern char *git__basename(const char *path);
extern int git__basename_r(char *buffer, size_t bufflen, const char *path);
extern const char *git__topdir(const char *path);
* Join two paths together. Takes care of properly fixing the
* middle slashes and everything
* The paths are joined together into buffer_out; this is expected
* to be an user allocated buffer of `GIT_PATH_MAX` size
extern void git__joinpath_n(char *buffer_out, int npath, ...);
GIT_INLINE(void) git__joinpath(char *buffer_out, const char *path_a, const char *path_b)
git__joinpath_n(buffer_out, 2, path_a, path_b);
extern void git__hexdump(const char *buffer, size_t n);
extern uint32_t git__hash(const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed);
/** @return true if p fits into the range of a size_t */
GIT_INLINE(int) git__is_sizet(git_off_t p)
size_t r = (size_t)p;
return p == (git_off_t)r;
/* 32-bit cross-platform rotl */
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* use built-in method in MSVC */
# define git__rotl(v, s) (uint32_t)_rotl(v, s)
#else /* use bitops in GCC; with o2 this gets optimized to a rotl instruction */
# define git__rotl(v, s) (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(v) << (s)) | ((uint32_t)(v) >> (32 - (s))))
extern char *git__strtok(char **end, const char *sep);
extern void git__strntolower(char *str, int len);
extern void git__strtolower(char *str);
#define STRLEN(str) (sizeof(str) - 1)
#define GIT_OID_LINE_LENGTH(header) (STRLEN(header) + 1 + GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1)
* Realloc the buffer pointed at by variable 'x' so that it can hold
* at least 'nr' entries; the number of entries currently allocated
* is 'alloc', using the standard growing factor alloc_nr() macro.
* DO NOT USE any expression with side-effect for 'x' or 'alloc'.
#define alloc_nr(x) (((x)+16)*3/2)
#define ALLOC_GROW(x, nr, alloc) \
do { \
if ((nr) > alloc) { \
if (alloc_nr(alloc) < (nr)) \
alloc = (nr); \
else \
alloc = alloc_nr(alloc); \
x = xrealloc((x), alloc * sizeof(*(x))); \
} \
} while (0)
#endif /* INCLUDE_util_h__ */