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Update Copyright header Signed-off-by: schu <schu-github@schulog.org>
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* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 the libgit2 contributors
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_attr_file_h__
#define INCLUDE_attr_file_h__
#include "git2/attr.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "hashtable.h"
#define GIT_ATTR_FILE ".gitattributes"
#define GIT_ATTR_FILE_INREPO "info/attributes"
#define GIT_ATTR_FILE_SYSTEM "gitattributes"
#define GIT_ATTR_CONFIG "core.attributesfile"
#define GIT_ATTR_FNMATCH_MACRO (1U << 3)
typedef struct {
char *pattern;
size_t length;
unsigned int flags;
} git_attr_fnmatch;
typedef struct {
git_attr_fnmatch match;
git_vector assigns; /* vector of <git_attr_assignment*> */
} git_attr_rule;
typedef struct {
git_refcount unused;
const char *name;
unsigned long name_hash;
} git_attr_name;
typedef struct {
git_refcount rc; /* for macros */
char *name;
unsigned long name_hash;
const char *value;
int is_allocated;
} git_attr_assignment;
typedef struct {
char *path; /* cache the path this was loaded from */
git_vector rules; /* vector of <rule*> or <fnmatch*> */
} git_attr_file;
typedef struct {
const char *path;
const char *basename;
int is_dir;
} git_attr_path;
* git_attr_file API
extern int git_attr_file__new(git_attr_file **attrs_ptr);
extern void git_attr_file__free(git_attr_file *file);
extern int git_attr_file__from_buffer(
git_repository *repo, const char *buf, git_attr_file *file);
extern int git_attr_file__from_file(
git_repository *repo, const char *path, git_attr_file *file);
extern int git_attr_file__set_path(
git_repository *repo, const char *path, git_attr_file *file);
extern int git_attr_file__lookup_one(
git_attr_file *file,
const git_attr_path *path,
const char *attr,
const char **value);
/* loop over rules in file from bottom to top */
#define git_attr_file__foreach_matching_rule(file, path, iter, rule) \
git_vector_rforeach(&(file)->rules, (iter), (rule)) \
if (git_attr_rule__match((rule), (path)) == GIT_SUCCESS)
extern unsigned long git_attr_file__name_hash(const char *name);
* other utilities
extern int git_attr_fnmatch__parse(
git_attr_fnmatch *spec,
const char *source,
const char **base);
extern int git_attr_fnmatch__match(
git_attr_fnmatch *rule,
const git_attr_path *path);
extern void git_attr_rule__free(git_attr_rule *rule);
extern int git_attr_rule__match(
git_attr_rule *rule,
const git_attr_path *path);
extern git_attr_assignment *git_attr_rule__lookup_assignment(
git_attr_rule *rule, const char *name);
extern int git_attr_path__init(
git_attr_path *info, const char *path, const char *base);
extern int git_attr_assignment__parse(
git_repository *repo, /* needed to expand macros */
git_vector *assigns,
const char **scan);