Hash :
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Date :
Add a hashmap for index entries They are hashed case-insensitively and take the stage into account.
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* Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_idxmap_h__
#define INCLUDE_idxmap_h__
#include <ctype.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "git2/index.h"
#define kmalloc git__malloc
#define kcalloc git__calloc
#define krealloc git__realloc
#define kreallocarray git__reallocarray
#define kfree git__free
#include "khash.h"
__KHASH_TYPE(idx, const git_index_entry *, git_index_entry *)
__KHASH_TYPE(idxicase, const git_index_entry *, git_index_entry *)
typedef khash_t(idx) git_idxmap;
typedef khash_t(idxicase) git_idxmap_icase;
typedef khiter_t git_idxmap_iter;
/* This is __ac_X31_hash_string but with tolower and it takes the entry's stage into account */
static kh_inline khint_t idxentry_hash(const git_index_entry *e)
const char *s = e->path;
khint_t h = (khint_t)git__tolower(*s);
if (h) for (++s ; *s; ++s) h = (h << 5) - h + (khint_t)git__tolower(*s);
return h + GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGE(e);
#define idxentry_equal(a, b) (GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGE(a) == GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGE(b) && strcmp(a->path, b->path) == 0)
#define idxentry_icase_equal(a, b) (GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGE(a) == GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGE(b) && strcasecmp(a->path, b->path) == 0)
#define GIT__USE_IDXMAP \
__KHASH_IMPL(idx, static kh_inline, const git_index_entry *, git_index_entry *, 1, idxentry_hash, idxentry_equal)
__KHASH_IMPL(idxicase, static kh_inline, const git_index_entry *, git_index_entry *, 1, idxentry_hash, idxentry_icase_equal)
#define git_idxmap_alloc(hp) \
((*(hp) = kh_init(idx)) == NULL) ? giterr_set_oom(), -1 : 0
#define git_idxmap_icase_alloc(hp) \
((*(hp) = kh_init(idxicase)) == NULL) ? giterr_set_oom(), -1 : 0
#define git_idxmap_insert(h, key, val, rval) do { \
khiter_t __pos = kh_put(idx, h, key, &rval); \
if (rval >= 0) { \
if (rval == 0) kh_key(h, __pos) = key; \
kh_val(h, __pos) = val; \
} } while (0)
#define git_idxmap_icase_insert(h, key, val, rval) do { \
khiter_t __pos = kh_put(idxicase, h, key, &rval); \
if (rval >= 0) { \
if (rval == 0) kh_key(h, __pos) = key; \
kh_val(h, __pos) = val; \
} } while (0)
#define git_idxmap_lookup_index(h, k) kh_get(idx, h, k)
#define git_idxmap_icase_lookup_index(h, k) kh_get(idxicase, h, k)
#define git_idxmap_value_at(h, idx) kh_val(h, idx)
#define git_idxmap_valid_index(h, idx) (idx != kh_end(h))
#define git_idxmap_has_data(h, idx) kh_exist(h, idx)
#define git_idxmap_free(h) kh_destroy(idx, h), h = NULL
#define git_idxmap_clear(h) kh_clear(idx, h)
#define git_idxmap_delete_at(h, id) kh_del(idx, h, id)
#define git_idxmap_icase_delete_at(h, id) kh_del(idxicase, h, id)
#define git_idxmap_delete(h, key) do { \
khiter_t __pos = git_idxmap_lookup_index(h, key); \
if (git_idxmap_valid_index(h, __pos)) \
git_idxmap_delete_at(h, __pos); } while (0)
#define git_idxmap_icase_delete(h, key) do { \
khiter_t __pos = git_idxmap_icase_lookup_index(h, key); \
if (git_idxmap_valid_index(h, __pos)) \
git_idxmap_icase_delete_at(h, __pos); } while (0)
#define git_idxmap_begin kh_begin
#define git_idxmap_end kh_end