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Allow ignores (and attribs) for nonexistent files This fixes issue 532 that attributes (and gitignores) could not be checked for files that don't exist. It should be possible to query such things regardless of the existence of the file.
* rootattr
root_test2 -rootattr
root_test3 !rootattr
binfile binary
abc foo bar baz
does-not-exist foo=yes
root_test2 multiattr
root_test3 multi2=foo
root_test3 multiattr=1 multiattr=2 multiattr=3 multi2=abc !multi2
root_test2 multiattr=string -multiattr
[attr]mymacro positive -negative !rootattr
macro* mymacro another=77
[attr]macro2 multi2 -multi2 multi3 !multi3 multi3=answer
macro* macro2 macro2 macro2
# let's try some malicious macro defs
[attr]firstmacro -thirdmacro -secondmacro
[attr]secondmacro firstmacro -firstmacro
[attr]thirdmacro secondmacro=hahaha
macro_bad firstmacro secondmacro thirdmacro