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Test for gitmodules only submodule def This should confirm that issue #835 is fixed where a submodule that is only declared in the .gitmodules file was not accessible via the submodule APIs.
[submodule "sm_missing_commits"]
path = sm_missing_commits
url = ../submod2_target
[submodule "sm_unchanged"]
path = sm_unchanged
url = ../submod2_target
[submodule "sm_changed_file"]
path = sm_changed_file
url = ../submod2_target
[submodule "sm_changed_index"]
path = sm_changed_index
url = ../submod2_target
[submodule "sm_changed_head"]
path = sm_changed_head
url = ../submod2_target
[submodule "sm_changed_untracked_file"]
path = sm_changed_untracked_file
url = ../submod2_target
[submodule "sm_added_and_uncommited"]
path = sm_added_and_uncommited
url = ../submod2_target
[submodule "sm_gitmodules_only"]
path = sm_gitmodules_only
url = ../submod2_target