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odb: Direct writes are back DIRECT WRITES ARE BACK AND FASTER THAN EVER. The streaming writer to the ODB was an overkill for the smaller objects like Commit and Tags; most of the streaming logic was taking too long. This commit makes Commits, Tags and Trees to be built-up in memory, and then written to disk in 2 pushes (header + data), instead of streaming everything. This is *always* faster, even for big files (since the git_filebuf class still does streaming writes when the memory cache overflows). This is also a gazillion lines of code smaller, because we don't have to precompute the final size of the object before starting the stream (this was kind of defeating the point of streaming, anyway). Blobs are still written with full streaming instead of loading them in memory, since this is still the fastest way. A new `git_buf` class has been added. It's missing some features, but it'll get there.
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#include "test_lib.h"
#include "test_helpers.h"
#include <git2.h>
#include "buffer.h"
const char *test_string = "Have you seen that? Have you seeeen that??";
BEGIN_TEST(buf0, "check that resizing works properly")
git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT;
git_buf_puts(&buf, test_string);
must_be_true(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0);
must_be_true(strcmp(git_buf_cstr(&buf), test_string) == 0);
git_buf_puts(&buf, test_string);
must_be_true(strlen(git_buf_cstr(&buf)) == strlen(test_string) * 2);
BEGIN_TEST(buf1, "check that printf works properly")
git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT;
git_buf_printf(&buf, "%s %s %d ", "shoop", "da", 23);
must_be_true(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0);
must_be_true(strcmp(git_buf_cstr(&buf), "shoop da 23 ") == 0);
git_buf_printf(&buf, "%s %d", "woop", 42);
must_be_true(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0);
must_be_true(strcmp(git_buf_cstr(&buf), "shoop da 23 woop 42") == 0);