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Date :
Add a couple of useful git_buf utilities * `git_buf_rfind` (with tests and tests for `git_buf_rfind_next`) * `git_buf_puts_escaped` and `git_buf_puts_escaped_regex` (with tests) to copy strings into a buffer while injecting an escape sequence (e.g. '\') in front of particular characters.
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* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 the libgit2 contributors
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_buffer_h__
#define INCLUDE_buffer_h__
#include "common.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
typedef struct {
char *ptr;
size_t asize, size;
} git_buf;
extern char git_buf__initbuf[];
extern char git_buf__oom[];
#define GIT_BUF_INIT { git_buf__initbuf, 0, 0 }
* Initialize a git_buf structure.
* For the cases where GIT_BUF_INIT cannot be used to do static
* initialization.
void git_buf_init(git_buf *buf, size_t initial_size);
* Grow the buffer to hold at least `target_size` bytes.
* If the allocation fails, this will return an error and the buffer
* will be marked as invalid for future operations. The existing
* contents of the buffer will be preserved however.
* @return 0 on success or -1 on failure
int git_buf_grow(git_buf *buf, size_t target_size);
* Attempt to grow the buffer to hold at least `target_size` bytes.
* This is just like `git_buf_grow` except that even if the allocation
* fails, the git_buf will still be left in a valid state.
int git_buf_try_grow(git_buf *buf, size_t target_size);
void git_buf_free(git_buf *buf);
void git_buf_swap(git_buf *buf_a, git_buf *buf_b);
char *git_buf_detach(git_buf *buf);
void git_buf_attach(git_buf *buf, char *ptr, size_t asize);
* Test if there have been any reallocation failures with this git_buf.
* Any function that writes to a git_buf can fail due to memory allocation
* issues. If one fails, the git_buf will be marked with an OOM error and
* further calls to modify the buffer will fail. Check git_buf_oom() at the
* end of your sequence and it will be true if you ran out of memory at any
* point with that buffer.
* @return false if no error, true if allocation error
GIT_INLINE(bool) git_buf_oom(const git_buf *buf)
return (buf->ptr == git_buf__oom);
* Functions below that return int value error codes will return 0 on
* success or -1 on failure (which generally means an allocation failed).
* Using a git_buf where the allocation has failed with result in -1 from
* all further calls using that buffer. As a result, you can ignore the
* return code of these functions and call them in a series then just call
* git_buf_oom at the end.
int git_buf_set(git_buf *buf, const char *data, size_t len);
int git_buf_sets(git_buf *buf, const char *string);
int git_buf_putc(git_buf *buf, char c);
int git_buf_put(git_buf *buf, const char *data, size_t len);
int git_buf_puts(git_buf *buf, const char *string);
int git_buf_printf(git_buf *buf, const char *format, ...) GIT_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 3);
int git_buf_vprintf(git_buf *buf, const char *format, va_list ap);
void git_buf_clear(git_buf *buf);
void git_buf_consume(git_buf *buf, const char *end);
void git_buf_truncate(git_buf *buf, size_t len);
void git_buf_rtruncate_at_char(git_buf *path, char separator);
int git_buf_join_n(git_buf *buf, char separator, int nbuf, ...);
int git_buf_join(git_buf *buf, char separator, const char *str_a, const char *str_b);
* Copy string into buf prefixing every character that is contained in the
* esc_chars string with the esc_with string.
int git_buf_puts_escaped(
git_buf *buf, const char *string, const char *esc_chars, const char *esc_with);
GIT_INLINE(int) git_buf_puts_escape_regex(git_buf *buf, const char *string)
return git_buf_puts_escaped(buf, string, "^.[]$()|*+?{}\\", "\\");
* Join two strings as paths, inserting a slash between as needed.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
GIT_INLINE(int) git_buf_joinpath(git_buf *buf, const char *a, const char *b)
return git_buf_join(buf, '/', a, b);
GIT_INLINE(const char *) git_buf_cstr(const git_buf *buf)
return buf->ptr;
GIT_INLINE(size_t) git_buf_len(const git_buf *buf)
return buf->size;
void git_buf_copy_cstr(char *data, size_t datasize, const git_buf *buf);
#define git_buf_PUTS(buf, str) git_buf_put(buf, str, sizeof(str) - 1)
GIT_INLINE(ssize_t) git_buf_rfind_next(git_buf *buf, char ch)
ssize_t idx = (ssize_t)buf->size - 1;
while (idx >= 0 && buf->ptr[idx] == ch) idx--;
while (idx >= 0 && buf->ptr[idx] != ch) idx--;
return idx;
GIT_INLINE(ssize_t) git_buf_rfind(git_buf *buf, char ch)
ssize_t idx = (ssize_t)buf->size - 1;
while (idx >= 0 && buf->ptr[idx] != ch) idx--;
return idx;
/* Remove whitespace from the end of the buffer */
void git_buf_rtrim(git_buf *buf);
int git_buf_cmp(const git_buf *a, const git_buf *b);
/* Fill buf with the common prefix of a array of strings */
int git_buf_common_prefix(git_buf *buf, const git_strarray *strings);
/* Check if buffer looks like it contains binary data */
bool git_buf_is_binary(const git_buf *buf);