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Move the external includes folder from `src` to `include` Signed-off-by: Vicent Marti <tanoku@gmail.com>
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* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License,
* the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled
* version of this file into combinations with other programs,
* and to distribute those combinations without any restriction
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* restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover
* modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into
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* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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#ifndef INCLUDE_git_odb_h__
#define INCLUDE_git_odb_h__
#include "common.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "oid.h"
* @file git2/odb.h
* @brief Git object database routines
* @defgroup git_odb Git object database routines
* @ingroup Git
* @{
* Create a new object database with no backends.
* Before the ODB can be used for read/writing, a custom database
* backend must be manually added using `git_odb_add_backend()`
* @param out location to store the database pointer, if opened.
* Set to NULL if the open failed.
* @return GIT_SUCCESS if the database was created; otherwise an error
* code describing why the open was not possible.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_new(git_odb **out);
* Create a new object database and automatically add
* the two default backends:
* - git_odb_backend_loose: read and write loose object files
* from disk, assuming `objects_dir` as the Objects folder
* - git_odb_backend_pack: read objects from packfiles,
* assuming `objects_dir` as the Objects folder which
* contains a 'pack/' folder with the corresponding data
* @param out location to store the database pointer, if opened.
* Set to NULL if the open failed.
* @param objects_dir path of the backends' "objects" directory.
* @return GIT_SUCCESS if the database opened; otherwise an error
* code describing why the open was not possible.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_open(git_odb **out, const char *objects_dir);
* Add a custom backend to an existing Object DB
* Read <odb_backends.h> for more information.
* @param odb database to add the backend to
* @paramm backend pointer to a git_odb_backend instance
* @return 0 on sucess; error code otherwise
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_add_backend(git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority);
* Add a custom backend to an existing Object DB; this
* backend will work as an alternate.
* Alternate backends are always checked for objects *after*
* all the main backends have been exhausted.
* Writing is disabled on alternate backends.
* Read <odb_backends.h> for more information.
* @param odb database to add the backend to
* @paramm backend pointer to a git_odb_backend instance
* @return 0 on sucess; error code otherwise
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_add_alternate(git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority);
* Close an open object database.
* @param db database pointer to close. If NULL no action is taken.
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_odb_close(git_odb *db);
/** An object read from the database. */
typedef struct {
void *data; /**< Raw, decompressed object data. */
size_t len; /**< Total number of bytes in data. */
git_otype type; /**< Type of this object. */
} git_rawobj;
* Read an object from the database.
* If GIT_ENOTFOUND then out->data is set to NULL.
* @param out object descriptor to populate upon reading.
* @param db database to search for the object in.
* @param id identity of the object to read.
* @return
* - GIT_SUCCESS if the object was read;
* - GIT_ENOTFOUND if the object is not in the database.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_read(git_rawobj *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id);
* Read the header of an object from the database, without
* reading its full contents.
* Only the 'type' and 'len' fields of the git_rawobj structure
* are filled. The 'data' pointer will always be NULL.
* The raw object pointed by 'out' doesn't need to be manually
* closed with git_rawobj_close().
* @param out object descriptor to populate upon reading.
* @param db database to search for the object in.
* @param id identity of the object to read.
* @return
* - GIT_SUCCESS if the object was read;
* - GIT_ENOTFOUND if the object is not in the database.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_read_header(git_rawobj *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id);
* Write an object to the database.
* @param id identity of the object written.
* @param db database to which the object should be written.
* @param obj object descriptor for the object to write.
* @return
* - GIT_SUCCESS if the object was written;
* - GIT_ERROR otherwise.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_write(git_oid *id, git_odb *db, git_rawobj *obj);
* Determine if the given object can be found in the object database.
* @param db database to be searched for the given object.
* @param id the object to search for.
* @return
* - true, if the object was found
* - false, otherwise
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_exists(git_odb *db, const git_oid *id);
* Determine the object-ID (sha1 hash) of the given git_rawobj.
* The input obj must be a valid loose object type and the data
* pointer must not be NULL, unless the len field is also zero.
* @param id the resulting object-ID.
* @param obj the object whose hash is to be determined.
* @return
* - GIT_SUCCESS if the object-ID was correctly determined.
* - GIT_ERROR if the given object is malformed.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_rawobj_hash(git_oid *id, git_rawobj *obj);
* Release all memory used by the obj structure.
* As a result of this call, obj->data will be set to NULL.
* If obj->data is already NULL, nothing happens.
* @param obj object descriptor to free.
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_rawobj_close(git_rawobj *obj);
/** @} */