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Add git_oid_cpy, git_oid_cmp as inline functions These are easily built off the standard C library functions memcpy and memcmp. By marking these inline we stand a good chance of the C compiler replacing the entire thing with tight machine code, because many compilers will actually inline a memcmp or memcpy when the 3rd argument (the size) is a constant value. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
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* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License,
* the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled
* version of this file into combinations with other programs,
* and to distribute those combinations without any restriction
* coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License
* restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover
* modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into
* a combined executable.)
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <git/common.h>
/** Declare a function never returns to the caller. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__))
# define NORETURN /* noreturn */
* Declares a new test block starting, with the specified name.
* @param name C symbol to assign to this test's function.
#define BEGIN_TEST(name) \
void testfunc__##name (void) \
{ \
test_begin(#name, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
/** Denote the end of a test. */
#define END_TEST \
} \
test_end(); \
/* These are internal functions for BEGIN_TEST, END_TEST. */
extern void test_begin(const char *, const char *, int);
extern void test_end(void);
* Abort the current test suite.
* This function terminates the current test suite
* and does not return to the caller.
* @param fmt printf style format string.
extern void test_die(const char *fmt, ...)
* Evaluate a library function which must return success.
* The definition of "success" is the classical 0 return value.
* This macro makes the test suite fail if the expression evaluates
* to a non-zero result. It is suitable for testing most API
* functions in the library.
* @param expr the expression to evaluate, and test the result of.
#define must_pass(expr) \
if (expr) test_die("line %d: %s", __LINE__, #expr)
* Evaluate a library function which must return an error.
* The definition of "failure" is the classical non-0 return value.
* This macro makes the test suite fail if the expression evaluates
* to 0 (aka success). It is suitable for testing most API
* functions in the library.
* @param expr the expression to evaluate, and test the result of.
#define must_fail(expr) \
if (!(expr)) test_die("line %d: %s", __LINE__, #expr)
* Evaluate an expression which must produce a true result.
* @param expr the expression to evaluate, and test the result of.
#define must_be_true(expr) \
if (!(expr)) test_die("line %d: %s", __LINE__, #expr)