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Add ignore_submodules to diff options This adds correct support for an equivalent to --ignore-submodules in diff, where an actual ignore value can be passed to diff to override the per submodule settings in the configuration. This required tweaking the constants for ignore values so that zero would not be used and could represent an unset option to the diff. This was an opportunity to move the submodule values into include/git2/types.h and to rename the poorly named DEFAULT values for ignore and update constants to RESET instead. Now the GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_SUBMODULES flag is exactly the same as setting the ignore_submodules option to GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL (which is actually a minor change from the old behavior in that submodules will now be treated as UNMODIFIED deltas instead of being left out totally - if you set GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNMODIFIED). This includes tests for the various new settings.
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#ifndef __CLAR_LIBGIT2__
#define __CLAR_LIBGIT2__
#include "clar.h"
#include <git2.h>
#include "common.h"
* Replace for `clar_must_pass` that passes the last library error as the
* test failure message.
* Use this wrapper around all `git_` library calls that return error codes!
#define cl_git_pass(expr) do { \
int _lg2_error; \
giterr_clear(); \
if ((_lg2_error = (expr)) != 0) \
cl_git_report_failure(_lg2_error, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Function call failed: " #expr); \
} while (0)
* Wrapper for `clar_must_fail` -- this one is
* just for consistency. Use with `git_` library
* calls that are supposed to fail!
#define cl_git_fail(expr) cl_must_fail(expr)
#define cl_git_fail_with(expr, error) cl_assert_equal_i(error,expr)
void cl_git_report_failure(int, const char *, int, const char *);
#define cl_assert_at_line(expr,file,line) \
clar__assert((expr) != 0, file, line, "Expression is not true: " #expr, NULL, 1)
#define cl_assert_equal_sz(sz1,sz2) cl_assert_equal_i((int)sz1, (int)(sz2))
* Some utility macros for building long strings
#define REP16(STR) REP4(REP4(STR))
#define REP256(STR) REP16(REP16(STR))
#define REP1024(STR) REP4(REP256(STR))
/* Write the contents of a buffer to disk */
void cl_git_mkfile(const char *filename, const char *content);
void cl_git_append2file(const char *filename, const char *new_content);
void cl_git_rewritefile(const char *filename, const char *new_content);
void cl_git_write2file(const char *filename, const char *new_content, int flags, unsigned int mode);
bool cl_toggle_filemode(const char *filename);
bool cl_is_chmod_supported(void);
/* Environment wrappers */
char *cl_getenv(const char *name);
int cl_setenv(const char *name, const char *value);
/* Reliable rename */
int cl_rename(const char *source, const char *dest);
/* Git sandbox setup helpers */
git_repository *cl_git_sandbox_init(const char *sandbox);
void cl_git_sandbox_cleanup(void);
git_repository *cl_git_sandbox_reopen(void);
/* Local-repo url helpers */
const char* cl_git_fixture_url(const char *fixturename);
const char* cl_git_path_url(const char *path);
/* Test repository cleaner */
int cl_git_remove_placeholders(const char *directory_path, const char *filename);
/* config setting helpers */
void cl_repo_set_bool(git_repository *repo, const char *cfg, int value);