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Update iterators for consistency across library This updates all the `foreach()` type functions across the library that take callbacks from the user to have a consistent behavior. The rules are: * A callback terminates the loop by returning any non-zero value * Once the callback returns non-zero, it will not be called again (i.e. the loop stops all iteration regardless of state) * If the callback returns non-zero, the parent fn returns GIT_EUSER * Although the parent returns GIT_EUSER, no error will be set in the library and `giterr_last()` will return NULL if called. This commit makes those changes across the library and adds tests for most of the iteration APIs to make sure that they follow the above rules.
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* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 the libgit2 contributors
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_git_diff_h__
#define INCLUDE_git_diff_h__
#include "common.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "oid.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "refs.h"
* @file git2/diff.h
* @brief Git tree and file differencing routines.
* Calculating diffs is generally done in two phases: building a diff list
* then traversing the diff list. This makes is easier to share logic
* across the various types of diffs (tree vs tree, workdir vs index, etc.),
* and also allows you to insert optional diff list post-processing phases,
* such as rename detected, in between the steps. When you are done with a
* diff list object, it must be freed.
* @ingroup Git
* @{
* Flags for diff options. A combination of these flags can be passed
* in via the `flags` value in the `git_diff_options`.
enum {
GIT_DIFF_REVERSE = (1 << 0),
* Structure describing options about how the diff should be executed.
* Setting all values of the structure to zero will yield the default
* values. Similarly, passing NULL for the options structure will
* give the defaults. The default values are marked below.
* @todo Most of the parameters here are not actually supported at this time.
typedef struct {
uint32_t flags; /**< defaults to GIT_DIFF_NORMAL */
uint16_t context_lines; /**< defaults to 3 */
uint16_t interhunk_lines; /**< defaults to 0 */
char *old_prefix; /**< defaults to "a" */
char *new_prefix; /**< defaults to "b" */
git_strarray pathspec; /**< defaults to show all paths */
} git_diff_options;
* The diff list object that contains all individual file deltas.
typedef struct git_diff_list git_diff_list;
enum {
* What type of change is described by a git_diff_delta?
typedef enum {
} git_delta_t;
* Description of one side of a diff.
typedef struct {
git_oid oid;
char *path;
git_off_t size;
unsigned int flags;
uint16_t mode;
} git_diff_file;
* Description of changes to one file.
* When iterating over a diff list object, this will generally be passed to
* most callback functions and you can use the contents to understand
* exactly what has changed.
* Under some circumstances, not all fields will be filled in, but the code
* generally tries to fill in as much as possible. One example is that the
* "binary" field will not actually look at file contents if you do not
* pass in hunk and/or line callbacks to the diff foreach iteration function.
* It will just use the git attributes for those files.
typedef struct {
git_diff_file old_file;
git_diff_file new_file;
git_delta_t status;
unsigned int similarity; /**< for RENAMED and COPIED, value 0-100 */
int binary;
} git_diff_delta;
* When iterating over a diff, callback that will be made per file.
typedef int (*git_diff_file_fn)(
void *cb_data,
git_diff_delta *delta,
float progress);
* Structure describing a hunk of a diff.
typedef struct {
int old_start;
int old_lines;
int new_start;
int new_lines;
} git_diff_range;
* When iterating over a diff, callback that will be made per hunk.
typedef int (*git_diff_hunk_fn)(
void *cb_data,
git_diff_delta *delta,
git_diff_range *range,
const char *header,
size_t header_len);
* Line origin constants.
* These values describe where a line came from and will be passed to
* the git_diff_data_fn when iterating over a diff. There are some
* special origin constants at the end that are used for the text
* output callbacks to demarcate lines that are actually part of
* the file or hunk headers.
enum {
/* These values will be sent to `git_diff_data_fn` along with the line */
GIT_DIFF_LINE_DEL_EOFNL = '\0', /**< LF was removed at end of file */
/* The following values will only be sent to a `git_diff_data_fn` when
* the content of a diff is being formatted (eg. through
* git_diff_print_patch() or git_diff_print_compact(), for instance).
* When iterating over a diff, callback that will be made per text diff
* line. In this context, the provided range will be NULL.
* When printing a diff, callback that will be made to output each line
* of text. This uses some extra GIT_DIFF_LINE_... constants for output
* of lines of file and hunk headers.
typedef int (*git_diff_data_fn)(
void *cb_data,
git_diff_delta *delta,
git_diff_range *range,
char line_origin, /**< GIT_DIFF_LINE_... value from above */
const char *content,
size_t content_len);
/** @name Diff List Generator Functions
* These are the functions you would use to create (or destroy) a
* git_diff_list from various objects in a repository.
* Deallocate a diff list.
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_diff_list_free(git_diff_list *diff);
* Compute a difference between two tree objects.
* This is equivalent to `git diff <treeish> <treeish>`
* @param repo The repository containing the trees.
* @param opts Structure with options to influence diff or NULL for defaults.
* @param old_tree A git_tree object to diff from.
* @param new_tree A git_tree object to diff to.
* @param diff A pointer to a git_diff_list pointer that will be allocated.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_tree_to_tree(
git_repository *repo,
const git_diff_options *opts, /**< can be NULL for defaults */
git_tree *old_tree,
git_tree *new_tree,
git_diff_list **diff);
* Compute a difference between a tree and the index.
* This is equivalent to `git diff --cached <treeish>` or if you pass
* the HEAD tree, then like `git diff --cached`.
* @param repo The repository containing the tree and index.
* @param opts Structure with options to influence diff or NULL for defaults.
* @param old_tree A git_tree object to diff from.
* @param diff A pointer to a git_diff_list pointer that will be allocated.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_index_to_tree(
git_repository *repo,
const git_diff_options *opts, /**< can be NULL for defaults */
git_tree *old_tree,
git_diff_list **diff);
* Compute a difference between the working directory and the index.
* This matches the `git diff` command. See the note below on
* `git_diff_workdir_to_tree` for a discussion of the difference between
* `git diff` and `git diff HEAD` and how to emulate a `git diff <treeish>`
* using libgit2.
* @param repo The repository.
* @param opts Structure with options to influence diff or NULL for defaults.
* @param diff A pointer to a git_diff_list pointer that will be allocated.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_workdir_to_index(
git_repository *repo,
const git_diff_options *opts, /**< can be NULL for defaults */
git_diff_list **diff);
* Compute a difference between the working directory and a tree.
* This is *NOT* the same as `git diff <treeish>`. Running `git diff HEAD`
* or the like actually uses information from the index, along with the tree
* and workdir dir info.
* This function returns strictly the differences between the tree and the
* files contained in the working directory, regardless of the state of
* files in the index. It may come as a surprise, but there is no direct
* equivalent in core git.
* To emulate `git diff <treeish>`, you should call both
* `git_diff_index_to_tree` and `git_diff_workdir_to_index`, then call
* `git_diff_merge` on the results. That will yield a `git_diff_list` that
* matches the git output.
* If this seems confusing, take the case of a file with a staged deletion
* where the file has then been put back into the working dir and modified.
* The tree-to-workdir diff for that file is 'modified', but core git would
* show status 'deleted' since there is a pending deletion in the index.
* @param repo The repository containing the tree.
* @param opts Structure with options to influence diff or NULL for defaults.
* @param old_tree A git_tree object to diff from.
* @param diff A pointer to a git_diff_list pointer that will be allocated.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_workdir_to_tree(
git_repository *repo,
const git_diff_options *opts, /**< can be NULL for defaults */
git_tree *old_tree,
git_diff_list **diff);
* Merge one diff list into another.
* This merges items from the "from" list into the "onto" list. The
* resulting diff list will have all items that appear in either list.
* If an item appears in both lists, then it will be "merged" to appear
* as if the old version was from the "onto" list and the new version
* is from the "from" list (with the exception that if the item has a
* pending DELETE in the middle, then it will show as deleted).
* @param onto Diff to merge into.
* @param from Diff to merge.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_merge(
git_diff_list *onto,
const git_diff_list *from);
/** @name Diff List Processor Functions
* These are the functions you apply to a diff list to process it
* or read it in some way.
* Iterate over a diff list issuing callbacks.
* This will iterate through all of the files described in a diff. You
* should provide a file callback to learn about each file.
* The "hunk" and "line" callbacks are optional, and the text diff of the
* files will only be calculated if they are not NULL. Of course, these
* callbacks will not be invoked for binary files on the diff list or for
* files whose only changed is a file mode change.
* Returning a non-zero value from any of the callbacks will terminate
* the iteration and cause this return `GIT_EUSER`.
* @param diff A git_diff_list generated by one of the above functions.
* @param cb_data Reference pointer that will be passed to your callbacks.
* @param file_cb Callback function to make per file in the diff.
* @param hunk_cb Optional callback to make per hunk of text diff. This
* callback is called to describe a range of lines in the
* diff. It will not be issued for binary files.
* @param line_cb Optional callback to make per line of diff text. This
* same callback will be made for context lines, added, and
* removed lines, and even for a deleted trailing newline.
* @return 0 on success, GIT_EUSER on non-zero callback, or error code
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_foreach(
git_diff_list *diff,
void *cb_data,
git_diff_file_fn file_cb,
git_diff_hunk_fn hunk_cb,
git_diff_data_fn line_cb);
* Iterate over a diff generating text output like "git diff --name-status".
* Returning a non-zero value from the callbacks will terminate the
* iteration and cause this return `GIT_EUSER`.
* @param diff A git_diff_list generated by one of the above functions.
* @param cb_data Reference pointer that will be passed to your callback.
* @param print_cb Callback to make per line of diff text.
* @return 0 on success, GIT_EUSER on non-zero callback, or error code
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_print_compact(
git_diff_list *diff,
void *cb_data,
git_diff_data_fn print_cb);
* Iterate over a diff generating text output like "git diff".
* This is a super easy way to generate a patch from a diff.
* Returning a non-zero value from the callbacks will terminate the
* iteration and cause this return `GIT_EUSER`.
* @param diff A git_diff_list generated by one of the above functions.
* @param cb_data Reference pointer that will be passed to your callbacks.
* @param print_cb Callback function to output lines of the diff. This
* same function will be called for file headers, hunk
* headers, and diff lines. Fortunately, you can probably
* use various GIT_DIFF_LINE constants to determine what
* text you are given.
* @return 0 on success, GIT_EUSER on non-zero callback, or error code
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_print_patch(
git_diff_list *diff,
void *cb_data,
git_diff_data_fn print_cb);
* Misc
* Directly run a text diff on two blobs.
* Compared to a file, a blob lacks some contextual information. As such,
* the `git_diff_file` parameters of the callbacks will be filled
* accordingly to the following: `mode` will be set to 0, `path` will be set
* to NULL. When dealing with a NULL blob, `oid` will be set to 0.
* When at least one of the blobs being dealt with is binary, the
* `git_diff_delta` binary attribute will be set to 1 and no call to the
* hunk_cb nor line_cb will be made.
* @return 0 on success, GIT_EUSER on non-zero callback, or error code
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_diff_blobs(
git_blob *old_blob,
git_blob *new_blob,
git_diff_options *options,
void *cb_data,
git_diff_file_fn file_cb,
git_diff_hunk_fn hunk_cb,
git_diff_data_fn line_cb);
/** @} */