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Convert tests/resources/push.sh to LF endings This changes that file to use UNIX line-endings, which makes sense since this is a UNIXy file.
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#creates push_src repo for libgit2 push tests.
set -eu
#Create src repo for push
mkdir push_src
pushd push_src
git init
echo a > a.txt
git add .
git commit -m 'added a.txt'
mkdir fold
echo b > fold/b.txt
git add .
git commit -m 'added fold and fold/b.txt'
git branch b1 #b1 and b2 are the same
git branch b2
git checkout -b b3
echo edit >> a.txt
git add .
git commit -m 'edited a.txt'
git checkout -b b4 master
echo edit >> fold\b.txt
git add .
git commit -m 'edited fold\b.txt'
git checkout -b b5 master
git submodule add ../testrepo.git submodule
git commit -m "added submodule named 'submodule' pointing to '../testrepo.git'"
git checkout master
git merge -m "merge b3, b4, and b5 to master" b3 b4 b5
#Log commits to include in testcase
git log --format=oneline --decorate --graph
#*-. 951bbbb90e2259a4c8950db78946784fb53fcbce (HEAD, master) merge b3, b4, and b5 to master
#|\ \
#| | * fa38b91f199934685819bea316186d8b008c52a2 (b5) added submodule named 'submodule' pointing to '../testrepo.git'
#| * | 27b7ce66243eb1403862d05f958c002312df173d (b4) edited fold\b.txt
#| |/
#* | d9b63a88223d8367516f50bd131a5f7349b7f3e4 (b3) edited a.txt
#* a78705c3b2725f931d3ee05348d83cc26700f247 (b2, b1) added fold and fold/b.txt
#* 5c0bb3d1b9449d1cc69d7519fd05166f01840915 added a.txt
#fix paths so that we can add repo folders under libgit2 repo
#rename .git to .gitted
find . -name .git -exec mv -i '{}' '{}ted' \;
mv -i .gitmodules gitmodules