Hash :
Author :
Date :
Cleanup legal data 1. The license header is technically not valid if it doesn't have a copyright signature. 2. The COPYING file has been updated with the different licenses used in the project. 3. The full GPLv2 header in each file annoys me.
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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 the libgit2 contributors
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#include "git2/common.h"
#include "git2/object.h"
#include "git2/repository.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "blob.h"
const void *git_blob_rawcontent(git_blob *blob)
return blob->odb_object->raw.data;
size_t git_blob_rawsize(git_blob *blob)
return blob->odb_object->raw.len;
void git_blob__free(git_blob *blob)
int git_blob__parse(git_blob *blob, git_odb_object *odb_obj)
git_cached_obj_incref((git_cached_obj *)odb_obj);
blob->odb_object = odb_obj;
int git_blob_create_frombuffer(git_oid *oid, git_repository *repo, const void *buffer, size_t len)
int error;
git_odb_stream *stream;
if ((error = git_odb_open_wstream(&stream, repo->db, len, GIT_OBJ_BLOB)) < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create blob");
if ((error = stream->write(stream, buffer, len)) < GIT_SUCCESS) {
return error;
error = stream->finalize_write(oid, stream);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create blob");
int git_blob_create_fromfile(git_oid *oid, git_repository *repo, const char *path)
int error, islnk;
int fd = 0;
char full_path[GIT_PATH_MAX];
char buffer[2048];
git_off_t size;
git_odb_stream *stream;
struct stat st;
if (repo->path_workdir == NULL)
return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to create blob. (No working directory found)");
git_path_join(full_path, repo->path_workdir, path);
error = p_lstat(full_path, &st);
if (error < 0) {
return git__throw(GIT_EOSERR, "Failed to stat blob. %s", strerror(errno));
islnk = S_ISLNK(st.st_mode);
size = st.st_size;
if (!islnk)
if ((fd = p_open(full_path, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to create blob. Could not open '%s'", full_path);
if ((error = git_odb_open_wstream(&stream, repo->db, (size_t)size, GIT_OBJ_BLOB)) < GIT_SUCCESS) {
if (!islnk)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create blob");
while (size > 0) {
ssize_t read_len;
if (!islnk)
read_len = p_read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
read_len = p_readlink(full_path, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (read_len < 0) {
if (!islnk)
return git__throw(GIT_EOSERR, "Failed to create blob. Can't read full file");
stream->write(stream, buffer, read_len);
size -= read_len;
error = stream->finalize_write(oid, stream);
if (!islnk)
return error == GIT_SUCCESS ? GIT_SUCCESS : git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create blob");