Hash :
Author :
Date :
coverity: check for Coverity token only if necessary When running a Coverity build, we have to provide an authentication token in order to proof that we are actually allowed to run analysis in the name of a certain project. As this token should be secret, it is only set on the main repository, so when we were requested to run the Coverity script on another repository we do error out. But in fact we do also error out if the Coverity analysis should _not_ be run if there is no authentication token provided. Fix the issue by only checking for the authentication token after determining if analysis is indeed requested.
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set -e
# Only run this on our branches
echo "Branch: $TRAVIS_BRANCH | Pull request: $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST | Slug: $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG"
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" -o "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" -o "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" != "libgit2/libgit2" ];
echo "Only analyzing the 'master' brach of the main repository."
exit 0
# Environment check
[ -z "$COVERITY_TOKEN" ] && echo "Need to set a coverity token" && exit 1
case $(uname -m) in
i?86) BITS=32 ;;
amd64|x86_64) BITS=64 ;;
# Install coverity tools
if [ ! -d "$TOOL_BASE" ]; then
echo "Downloading coverity..."
mkdir -p "$TOOL_BASE"
pushd "$TOOL_BASE"
wget -O coverity_tool.tgz $SCAN_TOOL \
--post-data "project=libgit2&token=$COVERITY_TOKEN"
tar xzf coverity_tool.tgz
TOOL_DIR=$(find "$TOOL_BASE" -type d -name 'cov-analysis*')
ln -s "$TOOL_DIR" "$TOOL_BASE"/cov-analysis
cp script/user_nodefs.h "$TOOL_BASE"/cov-analysis/config/user_nodefs.h
# Configure and build
rm -rf _build
mkdir _build
cd _build
$COV_BUILD --dir cov-int \
cmake --build .
# Upload results
tar czf libgit2.tgz cov-int
SHA=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
HTML="$(curl \
--silent \
--write-out "\n%{http_code}" \
--form token="$COVERITY_TOKEN" \
--form email=bs@github.com \
--form file=@libgit2.tgz \
--form version="$SHA" \
--form description="Travis build" \
# Body is everything up to the last line
BODY="$(echo "$HTML" | head -n-1)"
# Status code is the last line
STATUS_CODE="$(echo "$HTML" | tail -n1)"
echo "${BODY}"
if [ "${STATUS_CODE}" != "201" ]; then
echo "Received error code ${STATUS_CODE} from Coverity"
exit 1