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Make submodules externally refcounted `git_submodule` objects were already refcounted internally in case the submodule name was different from the path at which it was stored. This makes that refcounting externally used as well, so `git_submodule_lookup` and `git_submodule_add_setup` return an object that requires a `git_submodule_free` when done.
extern void rewrite_gitmodules(const char *workdir);
/* these will automatically set a cleanup callback */
extern git_repository *setup_fixture_submodules(void);
extern git_repository *setup_fixture_submod2(void);
extern unsigned int get_submodule_status(git_repository *, const char *);
extern void assert_submodule_exists(git_repository *, const char *);
extern void refute_submodule_exists(git_repository *, const char *, int err);