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Clean up GIT_UNUSED macros on all platforms It turns out that commit 31e9cfc4cbcaf1b38cdd3dbe3282a8f57e5366a5 did not fix the GIT_USUSED behavior on all platforms. This commit walks through and really cleans things up more thoroughly, getting rid of the unnecessary stuff. To remove the use of some GIT_UNUSED, I ended up adding a couple of new iterators for hashtables that allow you to iterator just over keys or just over values. In making this change, I found a bug in the clar tests (where we were doing *count++ but meant to do (*count)++ to increment the value). I fixed that but then found the test failing because it was not really using an empty repo. So, I took some of the code that I wrote for iterator testing and moved it to clar_helpers.c, then made use of that to make it easier to open fixtures on a per test basis even within a single test file.
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#include "clar_libgit2.h"
#include "diff_helpers.h"
static git_repository *g_repo = NULL;
void test_diff_blob__initialize(void)
g_repo = cl_git_sandbox_init("attr");
void test_diff_blob__cleanup(void)
void test_diff_blob__0(void)
git_blob *a, *b, *c, *d;
git_oid a_oid, b_oid, c_oid, d_oid;
git_diff_options opts = {0};
diff_expects exp;
/* tests/resources/attr/root_test1 */
cl_git_pass(git_oid_fromstrn(&a_oid, "45141a79", 8));
cl_git_pass(git_blob_lookup_prefix(&a, g_repo, &a_oid, 4));
/* tests/resources/attr/root_test2 */
cl_git_pass(git_oid_fromstrn(&b_oid, "4d713dc4", 8));
cl_git_pass(git_blob_lookup_prefix(&b, g_repo, &b_oid, 4));
/* tests/resources/attr/root_test3 */
cl_git_pass(git_oid_fromstrn(&c_oid, "c96bbb2c2557a832", 16));
cl_git_pass(git_blob_lookup_prefix(&c, g_repo, &c_oid, 8));
/* tests/resources/attr/root_test4.txt */
cl_git_pass(git_oid_fromstrn(&d_oid, "fe773770c5a6", 12));
cl_git_pass(git_blob_lookup_prefix(&d, g_repo, &d_oid, 6));
/* Doing the equivalent of a `git diff -U1` on these files */
opts.context_lines = 1;
opts.interhunk_lines = 1;
memset(&exp, 0, sizeof(exp));
g_repo, a, b, &opts, &exp, diff_hunk_fn, diff_line_fn));
cl_assert(exp.hunks == 1);
cl_assert(exp.lines == 6);
cl_assert(exp.line_ctxt == 1);
cl_assert(exp.line_adds == 5);
cl_assert(exp.line_dels == 0);
memset(&exp, 0, sizeof(exp));
g_repo, b, c, &opts, &exp, diff_hunk_fn, diff_line_fn));
cl_assert(exp.hunks == 1);
cl_assert(exp.lines == 15);
cl_assert(exp.line_ctxt == 3);
cl_assert(exp.line_adds == 9);
cl_assert(exp.line_dels == 3);
memset(&exp, 0, sizeof(exp));
g_repo, a, c, &opts, &exp, diff_hunk_fn, diff_line_fn));
cl_assert(exp.hunks == 1);
cl_assert(exp.lines == 13);
cl_assert(exp.line_ctxt == 0);
cl_assert(exp.line_adds == 12);
cl_assert(exp.line_dels == 1);
opts.context_lines = 1;
memset(&exp, 0, sizeof(exp));
g_repo, c, d, &opts, &exp, diff_hunk_fn, diff_line_fn));
cl_assert(exp.hunks == 2);
cl_assert(exp.lines == 14);
cl_assert(exp.line_ctxt == 4);
cl_assert(exp.line_adds == 6);
cl_assert(exp.line_dels == 4);