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Add util.h - utility macros ARRAY_SIZE() et al go in util.h, included from common.h Signed-off-by: Andreas Ericsson <ae@op5.se> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
#ifndef INCLUDE_util_h__
#define INCLUDE_util_h__
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
* Realloc the buffer pointed at by variable 'x' so that it can hold
* at least 'nr' entries; the number of entries currently allocated
* is 'alloc', using the standard growing factor alloc_nr() macro.
* DO NOT USE any expression with side-effect for 'x' or 'alloc'.
#define alloc_nr(x) (((x)+16)*3/2)
#define ALLOC_GROW(x, nr, alloc) \
do { \
if ((nr) > alloc) { \
if (alloc_nr(alloc) < (nr)) \
alloc = (nr); \
else \
alloc = alloc_nr(alloc); \
x = xrealloc((x), alloc * sizeof(*(x))); \
} \
} while(0)
#endif /* INCLUDE_util_h__ */