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Remove git_errno It was not being used by any methods (only by malloc and calloc), and since it needs to be TLS, it cannot be exported on DLLs on Windows. Burn it with fire. The API always returns error codes! Signed-off-by: Vicent Marti <tanoku@gmail.com>
#include "common.h"
#include "thread-utils.h" /* for GIT_TLS */
static struct {
int num;
const char *str;
} error_codes[] = {
{GIT_ERROR, "Unspecified error"},
{GIT_ENOTOID, "Input was not a properly formatted Git object id."},
{GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Object does not exist in the scope searched."},
{GIT_ENOMEM, "Not enough space available."},
{GIT_EOSERR, "Consult the OS error information."},
{GIT_EOBJTYPE, "The specified object is of invalid type"},
{GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "The specified object has its data corrupted"},
{GIT_ENOTAREPO, "The specified repository is invalid"},
{GIT_EINVALIDTYPE, "The object type is invalid or doesn't match"},
{GIT_EMISSINGOBJDATA, "The object cannot be written that because it's missing internal data"},
{GIT_EPACKCORRUPTED, "The packfile for the ODB is corrupted"},
{GIT_EFLOCKFAIL, "Failed to adquire or release a file lock"},
{GIT_EZLIB, "The Z library failed to inflate/deflate an object's data"},
{GIT_EBUSY, "The queried object is currently busy"},
const char *git_strerror(int num)
size_t i;
if (num == GIT_EOSERR)
return strerror(errno);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(error_codes); i++)
if (num == error_codes[i].num)
return error_codes[i].str;
return "Unknown error";