

Modal logic

1. Notation

1.1 Not

“Not A”


1.2 Necessarilly

“It is necessary that A”


1.3 Possibly

“It is possible that A”


1.4 Implies

“If A then B”

A → B

1.5 Conjunction

“A and B”

A ∧ B

1.6 Disjunction

“A or B”

A ∨ B

1.7 Exclusive disjunction

“A xor B”

A ⊕ B

1.8 Mutual implication

“If A then B and if B then A”

A ↔ B

2. Contruction

K is a weak logic (Saul Kripke)

2.1 Necessitation rule

A is a theorem of K → □A is a theorem of K

2.2 Distribution axiom

□(A → B) → (□A → □B)

2.3 Operator ◊

◊A = ¬□¬A

3. Lemmas

3.1 Necessary conjunction

□(A ∧ B) ↔ □A ∧ □B

3.2 Disjonction of necessities

◻A ∨ ◻B → □(A ∨ B)

4. T

T is K plus the following axiom :

□A → A

