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  • Hash : e1a4a8eb
    Author : Patrick Steinhardt
    Date : 2018-06-25T11:58:34

    cmake: enforce C90 standard While the aim of libgit2 was to conform to C90 code, we never instructed the compiler to enforce C90 compliance. Thus, quite a few violations were able to get into our code base, which have been removed with the previous commits. As we are now able to build libgit2 with C90 enforced, we can set the C_STANDARD property for our own build targets. Note that we explicitly avoid setting the C standard for our third-party dependencies. At least the zlib target does not build with C90 enforced, and we do not want to fix them by deviating from upstream. Thus we simply enforce no standard for them.

  • README.md

  • libgit2 examples

    These examples are a mixture of basic emulation of core Git command line functions and simple snippets demonstrating libgit2 API usage (for use with Docurium). As a whole, they are not vetted carefully for bugs, error handling, and cross-platform compatibility in the same manner as the rest of the code in libgit2, so copy with caution.

    That being said, you are welcome to copy code from these examples as desired when using libgit2. They have been released to the public domain, so there are no restrictions on their use.

    For annotated HTML versions, see the “Examples” section of:


    such as:
