• Show log


  • Hash : 7968e90f
    Author : Patrick Steinhardt
    Date : 2019-10-18T12:33:07

    refdb_fs: properly parse corrupted reflogs In previous versions, libgit2 could be coerced into writing reflog messages with embedded newlines into the reflog by using `git_stash_save` with a message containing newlines. While the root cause is fixed now, it was noticed that upstream git is in fact able to read such corrupted reflog messages just fine. Make the reflog parser more lenient in order to just skip over malformatted reflog lines to bring us in line with git. This requires us to change an existing test that verified that we do indeed _fail_ to parse such logs.

  • README.md

  • Writing Clar tests for libgit2

    For information on the Clar testing framework and a detailed introduction please visit:


    • Write your modules and tests. Use good, meaningful names.

    • Make sure you actually build the tests by setting:

        cmake -DBUILD_CLAR=ON build/
    • Test:

    • Make sure everything is fine.

    • Send your pull request. That’s it.

    Memory leak checks

    These are automatically run as part of CI, but if you want to check locally:


    Uses valgrind:

    $ cmake --build .
    $ valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=50 --suppressions=../libgit2_clar.supp \


    Uses leaks, which requires XCode installed:

    $ MallocStackLogging=1 MallocScribble=1 MallocLogFile=/dev/null CLAR_AT_EXIT="leaks -quiet \$PPID" \