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  • Hash : b6c93aef
    Author : Russell Belfer
    Date : 2012-02-21T14:46:24

    Uniform iterators for trees, index, and workdir This create a new git_iterator type of object that provides a uniform interface for iterating over the index, an arbitrary tree, or the working directory of a repository. As part of this, git ignore support was extended to support push and pop of directory-based ignore files as the working directory is being traversed (so the array of ignores does not have to be recreated at each directory during traveral). There are a number of other small utility functions in buffer, path, vector, and fileops that are included in this patch that made the iterator implementation cleaner.

  • README.md

  • Writing Clar tests for libgit2

    For information on the Clar testing framework and a detailed introduction please visit:


    • Write your modules and tests. Use good, meaningful names.

    • Make sure you actually build the tests by setting:

        cmake -DBUILD_CLAR=ON build/
    • Test:

    • Make sure everything is fine.

    • Send your pull request. That’s it.