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  • Hash : 8e31cc25
    Author : Patrick Steinhardt
    Date : 2017-06-28T12:51:14

    cmake: keep track of libraries and includes via lists Later on, we will move detection of required libraries, library directories as well as include directories into a separate CMakeLists.txt file inside of the source directory. Obviously, we want to avoid duplication here regarding these parameters. To prepare for the split, put the parameters into three variables LIBGIT2_LIBS, LIBGIT2_LIBDIRS and LIBGIT2_INCLUDES, tracking the required libraries, linking directory as well as include directories. These variables can later be exported into the parent scope from inside of the source build instructions, making them readily available for the other subdirectories.

  • README.md

  • Writing Clar tests for libgit2

    For information on the Clar testing framework and a detailed introduction please visit:


    • Write your modules and tests. Use good, meaningful names.

    • Make sure you actually build the tests by setting:

        cmake -DBUILD_CLAR=ON build/
    • Test:

    • Make sure everything is fine.

    • Send your pull request. That’s it.