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  • Hash : 9464f9eb
    Author : Carlos Martín Nieto
    Date : 2016-05-02T17:36:58

    Introduce a function to create a tree based on a different one Instead of going through the usual steps of reading a tree recursively into an index, modifying it and writing it back out as a tree, introduce a function to perform simple updates more efficiently. `git_tree_create_updated` avoids reading trees which are not modified and supports upsert and delete operations. It is not as versatile as modifying the index, but it makes some common operations much more efficient.

  • README.md

  • Writing Clar tests for libgit2

    For information on the Clar testing framework and a detailed introduction please visit:


    • Write your modules and tests. Use good, meaningful names.

    • Make sure you actually build the tests by setting:

        cmake -DBUILD_CLAR=ON build/
    • Test:

    • Make sure everything is fine.

    • Send your pull request. That’s it.