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  • Hash : d53c8880
    Author : Edward Thomson
    Date : 2015-08-30T19:25:47

    iterator: saner pathlist matching for idx iterator Some nicer refactoring for index iteration walks. The index iterator doesn't binary search through the pathlist space, since it lacks directory entries, and would have to binary search each index entry and all its parents (eg, when presented with an index entry of `foo/bar/file.c`, you would have to look in the pathlist for `foo/bar/file.c`, `foo/bar` and `foo`). Since the index entries and the pathlist are both nicely sorted, we walk the index entries in lockstep with the pathlist like we do for other iteration/diff/merge walks.

  • README.md

  • Writing Clar tests for libgit2

    For information on the Clar testing framework and a detailed introduction please visit:


    • Write your modules and tests. Use good, meaningful names.

    • Make sure you actually build the tests by setting:

        cmake -DBUILD_CLAR=ON build/
    • Test:

    • Make sure everything is fine.

    • Send your pull request. That’s it.