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  • Hash : 2a9b0102
    Author : Sven Strickroth
    Date : 2015-01-23T14:16:34

    Additional core.autocrlf and core.safecrlf tests This is a cherry-pick of the tests from the following commits: core.autocrlf=true and core.safecrlf=true did not fail on LF-only file as vanilla git does Adding a CRLF-file with core.autocrlf=input and core.safecrlf=true does not fail as with vanilla git Make files with #CR!=#CRLF not fail with core.safecrlf=true Reported-by: Yue Lin Ho <b8732003@student.nsysu.edu.tw> Signed-off-by: Sven Strickroth <email@cs-ware.de>